Our company is working closely with the Government Department of Agriculture and also collaborating with other pioneer companies worldwide in tissue culture & bio-technology researches and developments.

Skillful and experience personnel are hired to operate our laboratory which is fully equipped with modern facilities and equipments.

Through R&D we aim to achieve plant seedlings with highest possible yields and quality as well as strong virus immunization.


Hot Water Treatment is a treatment which is strictly required and compulsory for all papaya shipments exporting to China. Our company has achieved to comply with all appropriate procedures of treatment required by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of The People’s Republic of China.

We are currently the only few selected Malaysian exporters who are qualified and has been successfully awarded by The Department of Agriculture of Plant Protection to conduct this treatment for all papaya exports to China.



(c) 2010 Exotic Star (M) Sdn. Bhd. All right Reserved.